Manufacturing opportunities and optimism in Wales sees further improvement.
Over the last 170 years the industries we work in have changed. Developments in technology and other social factors have changed the way we work and the types of work that we do. Leading us to the shape of the industrial landscape today where services are the dominant industries in England and Wales.
Technological advances and better transport links also had an impact on the manufacturing industry. In 1841, a third of the working population (36%) worked in manufacturing but this had fallen to just 9% by 2011.
However, over time, technological advances have allowed process lines to become more mechanised and require fewer workers to operate them. Heavy industries, producing large volumes of low-value goods, such as steelmaking, have become more efficient and so are able to produce the same amount of output from fewer manufacturing sites employing fewer people. These heavy industries have been replaced in part by smaller industrial units producing high-value goods, such as the aerospace and electronics industries.
Whilst the manufacturing base in Wales has been affected by these historic changes, manufacturing industries in Wales are seeing a renewed optimism with major investment in new technologies being evidenced across Wales. In July 2015 the CBI reported that optimism in small and medium-sized manufacturers had improved in the last quarter and that this was set to continue.
At Sigma Recruitment we have seen real evidence of this in the increased number of manufacturing companies now recruiting and the good news for those working within the sector is that there are now excellent job opportunities available in many engineering and technical skill sets.
So if you work within the manufacturing sector please do submit your CV to us via our website so that you do not miss out on the exciting opportunities available. If you are an employer in the manufacturing sector and looking to recruit then contact us today and take advantage of our unique internal database.