e-cigarettes bring yet another new problem into the workplace and many employers are now struggling with deciding on their e-cigarette company policy.

Electronic cigarettes will be licensed as a medicine in the UK from 2016 as concerns have been raised about the lack of regulation surrounding them. Unlike tobacco products, e-cigarettes – devices that vaporise a nicotine solution to replicate smoking without the use of tobacco – are not covered by the Health Act 2006, which prohibits conventional smoking from the workplace.

As a result it is the employers responsibility to decide on an appropriate policy for their use in the workplace.

There are many considerations that the employer should review when forming an e-cigarettes policy.

It’s in the interests of employers to do their bit to promote health and wellbeing in the workplace. Healthy, happy and well-motivated employees are less likely to be affected by stress and absence, and more likely to contribute positively to the performance and productivity of an organisation.

Supportive employers may be able to provide help and advice for employees who want to quit smoking. But should this include allowing the use of e-cigarettes? They are sometimes marketed as a safer way to ‘smoke’ without the harmful effects of tobacco that could help people kick the habit.

To find out more on how you can devise your company policy on e-cigarettes visit the ACAS website.

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